Do you have student loan debt from many years ago which your still trying to pay off?
We can help pay it off
What is Student Loan Debt?
If you attend post-secondary school in Canada you may not have enough money for tuition.
Provincial governments offer programs like OSAP in Ontario to help students get loans for post-secondary school. You are required repay this debt upon completing school.

Do I have to pay off my Student Loans?

Yes, like all types of debt, you are expected to repay the amounts you borrowed.
Government student loans have special treatment for their collection in a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.
If someone attended school less than 7 years before filing one of those proceedings, then the debt is still collectible by them.
How can I pay off my Student Loan Debt?
Repay your debts in full
Use savings or obtain a loan to pay off​ loans
Payment Plan
Speak to student loans about a new payment plan that is affordable with your budget
Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy
Will be included in these options, but it won't be discharged if it has been more than 7 years from last attending school